Welcome to Turn It Round. I hope you will find something of interest. This is a woodturning website to show some of my work.

Please feel free to contact me. I have listed some of my most recent blogs/posts and you should also be able to find a gallery of some of my recent pieces.

  • Poplar Platter with natural edge
    This piece was made from wet poplar branch wood. Piece is off center and looks and sounds like a propeller when being turned.
  • Elm burr bowl
    Bowl made from a lovely piece of burr elm. Elm still survives and is much sought after as it is a beautiful wood to work.
  • Figured Maple Platter
    Lockdown means I have a little more time on my hands. I have just finished this large maple platter. Beautiful piece of wood with lovely figuring that has a translucent appearance.
  • Cedar Bowel
    Cedar of Lebanon from a neighbours garden. All they wanted in return was some shavings to keep away the moths!